Friday, July 22, 2005

In the News

So, this guy was on "The Daily Show" the other night talking about thimerasol, not in one of their goofy interviews, but in the Stewart interview. He's written a book, and for the life of me I can't recall the name. It isn't the book I've been reading. Which raised the hair on my arms. I am pretty conflicted about it. I hate the fact that autism is affecting so many people that it deserves a place on "The Daily Show". And yet, if what the "mercury moms" are claiming is true, people need to know about it.

This has been everywhere for me lately. It is like you don't know if everyone has been talking about something, and you just are now aware of it, or it is just hitting the collective consciousness.

I don't want to be a crackpot, I have enough conspiracy theories. But I also want to do everything I can for Alex.

I'm still confused.


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