Saturday, April 23, 2005

First Post

First posts are hard. You wonder what to name things, what to do. I'm writing this for myself, which makes me not want to do an introduction. I don't need to introduce myself to me. But if I were to describe myself, it would be: I'm 33, I have a 3 year old son, who has autism, I'm in the process of being divorced. I work a variety of flexible part time jobs, all of which are kind of fun, and allow me to take off when I need to for my boy. I'm an unmotivated writer. I'm a bit crafty. I adore my friends, and wish I could spend more time with them. I'm in favor of sarcasm. I laugh, loudly, a lot. I've been trying to quit smoking for years. I love to get really angry about things I have no control over and rant. I'm trying to change the world, but it's kind of a slow process.

Describing yourself is like a discovery, and a promise. I'm constantly trying to re-boot my life, to make everything perfect. I realize this can't be done, but I figure that every step I take is one step closer to my ideal.
Lately I've been pretty reflective, which is never a good sign. I'm thinking that big changes are coming (they are already in progress - but it's hard to see it from the inside). You know the ancient chinese curse "May you live in interesting times"? My life is interesting.

That's pretty much it for today.


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